In November/December of 1998, I created Suicide Prevention Help which consisted of The Friendship Letter, describing my suicidal thoughts and feelings and how I came to see them realistically. I created Suicide Prevention Help because I was shocked to discover sites on the Web that were encouraging people to take their own lives. This site was hosted on, a free Web hosting company.

In a relatively short time, the site began to receive thousands of visitors. I would respond to the people who wrote for help, finding screened suicide prevention and other appropriate resources on the Web. See a small sample of visitor comments.
I had been bookmarking my favourite websites, as I found many of the links were helpful and could be useful to many of the people who would write to me.
I then decided to create a Web directory that would include my saved bookmarks and other screened resources.
Eventually the directory grew to 1,500 suicide prevention listings, and was generating a lot of traffic.

Unfortunately in 2021 malicious hackers infected the directory database and I had to sadly remove this important resource from the website. The website has a smaller directory of suicide prevention resources which I am slowly building.

Over one million people have been estimated to have visited the site during this last 25 years. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to help so many people suffering with painful suicidal thoughts and feelings.