Here are a few carefully-screened resources relating to people who are experiencing suicidal thoughts and feelings. Please click on titles to view the information offered for people who are feeling suicidal.
Feeling Suicidal? (11)
Are You Feeling Suicidal?
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Suicide: coping with suicidal thoughts | Mental Health Foundation
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I'm Having Thoughts of Suicide - Canadian Association For Suicide Prevention
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Suicidal feelings
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Suicide: coping with suicidal thoughts | Mental Health Foundation
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Are you thinking about suicide? How to stay safe and find treatment - Mayo Clinic
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What Are Suicidal Thoughts and Do I Need Help for Them? | JED
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Suicide ideation: Symptoms, causes, prevention, and resources
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Suicidal Feelings | Help And Advice For Young People | YoungMinds
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Surviving Suicidal Thoughts | NHS inform
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Helpful Suggestions - Suicide Prevention Help - The Friendship Letter - Web Directory - Web Directory