My name is Kenneth,
If you are visiting this site because you are suffering from suicidal thoughts and feelings or know someone who is despairing and contemplating suicide, I hope this site will be of help to you.
Suicide Prevention Help was created, in 1998, in response to my discovering websites encouraging people to take their own lives.
This website consists of The Friendship Letter, an open letter about how I came to see my suicidal thoughts and feelings realistically. In addition you will find Helpful Suggestions if you are caught in the storm of suicidal thoughts and feelings. Browse the carefully-screened resources if you are feeling suicidal or want to help someone who is despairing and contemplating suicide.
Click here to find resources relating to Mindfulness, a helpful tool, or practice in coping with suicidal thoughts and feelings.
You can also find Crisis Centers, across the globe, if you are looking for support by telephone, text, chat, email and sometimes face-to-face.
Browse the Web directory to find carefully-selected suicide prevention resources from around the world.
Suicide is a complex problem that requires a range of prevention initiatives and methods of evaluation.1 In sharing my lived-experience with suicide ideation, I am offering a little hope to those who are suffering. That said, this website should not be viewed as a replacement for therapy or professional medical counselling.

Find the best suicide prevention resources the Internet has to offer for those who are experiencing suicidal thoughts and feelings and the people who care about those who are suffering.
Over the years, I was able to answer multiple hundreds of emails from people who have visited the site, offering a few kind words and positive suicide prevention resources available online and offline. Click here to read a sampling of visitors’ comments.
A reporter from the Montreal Gazette came upon Suicide Prevention Help and The Friendship Letter, and wrote an article, entitled, “Moving Beyond Suicide,” that describes my particular journey. In 2007, the Guardian published an article, “Using the web to turn lives around,” further describing the experiences that led to my setting up this website devoted to helping those in need.
From 2008 – 2020, I was honored to be a consultant and webmaster for the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP). In 2015, I was awarded the Association’s Certificate of Appreciation for my “tireless work in the development of World Suicide Prevention Day.” I am a current member of the IASP.
Over the last 39 years or so, I have come to understand suicidal thoughts and feelings within the context of kindness and cruelty towards another and oneself. To this end, I have created The Humane Experience, a virtual or in-person directed gentle conversation about how kindness and cruelty impacts one’s life.
1The British Journal of Psychiatry , Volume 210 , Issue 6 , June 2017 , pp. 381 – 383
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1192/bjp.bp.116.197459
How to Help Someone You Know Who is Suicidal
Western Michigan University’s Suicide Prevention Program includes a guide entitled, How to Help Someone You Know Who is Suicidal. See Protective Factors, Risk Factors, information for parents and more. This…
Supporting someone who feels suicidal
Resource created by mind.org.uk “explains how to support someone who feels suicidal, giving practical suggestions for what you can do and where you can go for support.” See How can…
Suicide: What to do when someone is thinking about suicide
Mayo Clinic offers this guide that states, When someone you know talks about taking their own life, you might not know what to do. Learn warning signs, what questions to…
Suicidal thoughts – How to support someone
Rethink Mental Illness offers a factsheet on suicidal thoughts and how to support someone. Guide discusses why someone might have suicidal thoughts, feelings, or intentions. This information is for people…
5 steps to help someone who is having suicidal thoughts
Calgary, Alberta Distress Centre offers a guide entitled 5 steps to help someone who is having suicidal thoughts. This resource is now included in the Suicide Prevention Help Web Directory…
TAUTOKO Suicide Crisis Helpline
New Zealand’s Lifeline Aotearoa (0508 TAUTOKO (0508 828 865) offers a free, nationwide service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is operated by trained and experienced…